Laminate Flooring Guide Floor Studio Decor Search
Die perfekte Laminat-Pflege für glänzende Oberflächen TEX

Basic rules for laying

1. The flooring should be laid at a room temperature of at least 18°C, a floor temperature of at least 15°C and relative humidity between 50 and 75%. Do not ventilate while laying.

2. For the best appearance, lay KRONOTEX pointing away from the principal light source.

3. Before laying, calculate how wide the last row of panels will be – it may be necessary to cut in lengthwise, but it should not be less than 5 cm wide. This may make it necessary to cut the first row of panels as well before starting.

4. KRONOTEX flooring should be laid using the floating method. In other words, the panels may not be glued, nailed or otherwise fastened to the subfloor. Affix wall base only to the walls, not to the floor!

5. Please following the laying instructions precisely. If the flooring is improperly laid, the warranty is voided. If any problems arise, halt the laying work immediately and consult with your dealer.


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